The temperature in your bedroom is perfect. Your blackout curtains have been drawn shut. And you’ve just finished a cup of chamomile tea and novel that made you laugh out loud and forget about whatever was bothering you earlier in the day.
You’re just about ready to drift off, and suddenly the air conditioner kicks on. Or a car alarm screeches through the night air. Or your partner sneezes. Suddenly, you’re wide-awake again. Your brain responds to noises when you’re awake and asleep. But if the interruptions wake you up, that can keep you from getting the restful shuteye that you need.
When ambient noise is disrupting your sleep, white (or pink) noise can help to smooth out the rough edges. Imagine sitting next to a person who is loudly chewing gum in a library. Then imagine sitting next to that same person in a crowded bar. It’s the same chomping gum, but underneath the drone of a crowded place, you can’t even hear it anymore. White noise, whether it’s from a sound machine, a simple fan, or crowd noise helps to mask noise-related disruptions by creating a constant ambient sound that makes a “peak” noise, like a door slamming, less of a contrast. And that makes you less likely to be startled awake.
When it comes to gender equality in the tech industry, the numbers probably won’t surprise you. Only 17% of venture-backed companies are founded by women, and women make up just 7% of partners at 100 of the top venture capitalist firms.
Although many attempts are being made to encourage women into tech, we are still far from gender parity in the industry. What would the world look like if there were equal numbers of men and women in the sector? We asked three women in tech, from CEOs to developers, for their thoughts.
More female-led tech companies would change the way women are treated in society
I’m a strong believer in a connection between a company’s internal values and the final product or service. There are many examples of tech companies where their internal attitudes towards women are reflected in their products.
For example, there have been multiple stories about alleged sexual harassment relating to Uber, as well as the [leaked] “Miami letter” [CEO Travis Kalanick sent staff guidelines about when it was appropriate to have sex with other employees at a company event in Miami]. It became clear why Uber had been never considered the safest service for women – because its workplace wasn’t either.
If there were more tech companies led by women, I truly believe it would change the way women are treated in society – in part as a result of the values shown in their company’s services or products.
Valerie Stark, co-founder and CEO of friendship and dating app Huggle
The Apple Watch and Microsoft Band use optical sensors to measure heart rate. The Jawbone Up3, which instead tracks your resting heart rate, uses bioimpedance sensors and several electrodes to measure your skin’s s resistance to a small amount of electrical current. Only available right here at Urban OutfittersIt
To solve the former, you could look into optimizing with preventive maintenance which can improve internal workflows and pick up issues before they become hugely problematic.
Technology is nothing. What’s s important is that you have a faith in people, that they’re basically good and smart, and if you give them tools, they’ll do wonderful things with them
There’s a misguided notion that natural beauty products just don’t do the job as well as conventional creams and cleansers. While that may be the case for some, I’ve found that many natural products are even better than the drugstore brands.
There’s a misguided notion that natural beauty products just don’t do the job as well as conventional creams and cleansers. While that may be the case for some, I’ve found that many natural products are even better than the drugstore brands. Case in point: Mullein and Sparrow.
Normal Lists
Aliquam erat volutpat
Exercitation photo booth stumptown tote bag
Tempor duis single-origin coffee
Magnis dis parturient montes
Number Lists
Aliquam erat volutpat
Exercitation photo booth stumptown tote bag
Tempor duis single-origin coffee
Magnis dis parturient montes
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There’s a misguided notion that natural beauty products just don’t do the job as well as conventional.
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There’s a misguided notion that natural beauty products just don’t do the job as well as conventional.
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There’s a misguided notion that natural beauty products just don’t do the job as well as conventional.
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There’s a misguided notion that natural beauty products just don’t do the job as well as conventional.
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There’s a misguided notion that natural beauty products just don’t do the job as well as conventional.
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There’s a misguided notion that natural beauty products just don’t do the job as well as conventional.
Voitte ladata Teccon materiaaleille profiilit Epson, Canon ja HP -tulostimiin alla olevan linkin avulla (ohjataan suoraan Teccon sivuille). Tarvittaessa voimme mitata profiilit myös käsin tulostimeesi.
Mikäli tarvitsette apua oikean profiilin lataamisessa tai muissa kysymyksissä, niin voitte ottaa yhteyttä tai tarvittaessa soittaa.
Mattapaperit soveltuvat vedostukseen, valokuvien ja perusmallisten postereiden tulostamiseen. Painoluokat liikkuvat yleensä 90 g – 230 g välillä. Mattamateriaalit toistavat värit terävästi ja kirkkaasti.
PD190 DUO Matt
190 g
Kaksipuoleinen, valokuvalaatuinen, korkean värigamutin mattapaperi
PD305 DUO Matt
305 h
Paksun kaksipuoleinen, valokuvalaatuinen, korkean värigamutin mattapaperi
PPM225 Pastell Matt
225 g
Luonnonvalkoinen matta valokuvapaperi
PM230 Matt
230 g
Pinnoitettu valokuvapaperi mattapinnalla
ME80 Matt Economy
80 g
Pinnoittamaton paperi viivapiirroksiin
MB90 Matt Basic
90 g
Pinnoittamaton paperi viivapiirroksiin
DIL Preproofer DUO Ecoprint
90 g
Kaksipuoleinen pinnoittamaton vedospaperi
MB120 Matt Basic
120 g
Pinnoittamaton paperi viivapiirroksiin
DIL Preproofer Impocheck
120 g
Kaksipuoleinen pinnoittamaton vedospaperi
MC90 Matt Coated
90 g
Pinnoitettu posteripaperi, hyvä hinta-laatu -suhde
PMC90 Premium Matt Coated
90 g
Laadukas, pinnoitettu posteripaperi
MC120 Matt Coated
120 g
Pinnoitettu posteripaperi, hyvä hinta-laatu -suhde
Kiiltäviä ja puolikiiltäviä-papereita käytetään yleensä laadukkaaseen valokuvatulostamiseen. Paperit ovat pinnoiltaan nimensä mukaisesti joko kiiltäviä tai puolikiiltäviä. Materiaalit omaavat eriomaisen kontrastin ja värientoiston.
SSP240 Sepia Satin Portrait
240 g
Microporous pinnoitettu lämminsävyinen erityisesti SEPIA valokuville
Fine Art -paperit ovat 100 % happovapaita papereita. Paperit soveltuvat korkealaatuisiin taidekuvien tulostamiseen. Saatavilla erilaisia struktuuripintoja.
AM250 Aquarell Matt
250 g
Happovapaa luonnonvalkoinen Fine Art paperi lievällä struktuuripinnalla
BT270 Baryt
270 g
Kuitupohjainen, perinteistä BARYT-paperia muistuttava, happovapaa
BTG300 Baryt Glossy
298 g
Kuitupohjainen kirkkaanvalkoinen BARYT-paperi WIR TESTATTU
Paksut Canvas-materiaalit soveltuvat erinomaisesti Fine Art -tulostukseen ja kehystykseen. Canvasta käytetään useimmiten taidekuvien ja potrettien tulostukseen.
Tekstiilimateriaalit soveltuvat erilaisiin roll-up tulosteisiin, bannereihin, kangasjulisteisiin ja tilanjakajiin. Kaikilla tekstiilimateriaaleilla on B1 paloluokitus ja soveltuvat ulkotulostuksiin.
Tulostustarrat soveltuvat mm. myymäläsomistuksiin ja pohjustuksiin. Valikoimasta löytyy vinyylitarroina matta, kiiltävä ja kirkas, jotka kestävät kosteutta.
177 SA Matt
190 g
Valkoinen paperitarra mattapinnalla
SMU190PLUS/SA Semiglossy self-adhesive
280 g
Puolikiiltävä PE-pinnoitettu paperitarra, soveltuu sekä kylmä- että kuumalaminointiin
Mirage tekee asiat käyttäjälleen hyvin yksinkertaiseksi. Löydät sieltä kaikki toiminnot, työkalut ja asetukset, jotka tarvitset hyvin järjestettyyn vedokseen. Painat vain tulostus –nappia ja voit aloittaa tulostamisen hetkessä!
Tarvitsetko lisätietoja? Soita tai lähetä kysymyksesi oheisen lomakkeen kautta.